Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Legal Acceptance Of Prostitution - 1608 Words
The Legal Acceptance of Prostitution Prostitution is often called the oldest profession in the world. One of the First forms is scared prostitution supposedly practiced among Sumerians. In ancient sources (Herodotus, Thucydides) there are many traces of scared prostitution, starting perhaps with Babylon where each women had to reach once a year the sanctuary of Militia and have sex with a foreigner as a sign of hospitality for a symbolic price. Prostitution is the sale of sexual services (typically oral sex or sexual intercourse, less often anal sex) for money or other kind of return, generally indiscriminately with many persons. A person selling favours is a prostitute, is called a sex worker. Most prostitutes are women offering their†¦show more content†¦This is why I believe prostitution should be legalized. Instead of spending billions on illegalizing prostitution, â€Å"the city of Los Angeles alone spends close to 100 million dollars annually dealing with illegal prostitution. The United States government should legalize prostitution. For more reasons than one, prostitution thrives in areas that have a very high crime rate, because of this, police officers and courtrooms are overburdened with these kinds of cases, while they are having little or no impact on prostitution. The prostitutes and their customers pay their fines and next thing you know they are back to the streets in no time, in a revolving door process. Since the local law enforcement is constantly busy, adding prostitution to the list of things they need to protect us from, the real crimes go unchecked and unchallenged; enabling a better chance of crime success for criminals. However if prostitution was to be legalized, police personnel would have less work trying to eliminate prostitution and more time protecting the pe ople from real crimes such as, murders, rapes, and robberies. It is estimated that if prostitution were legalized in the United States, the rape rate would decrease by roughly 25% for a decrease of approximately 25,000 rapes per year. The analysis seems to support the hypothesis that the rape rate could be lowered if prostitution was more readily available. This would be accomplishedShow MoreRelated Prostitution Should be Legalized Essay560 Words  | 3 PagesProstitution Should be Legalized I think that prostitution should be legalized because it is no different than any other service that we pay to receive. Besides, there are far more serious crimes that require the full attention of our police force than prostitution; therefore, policing it is a costly waste of time and police resources. Furthermore, prostitution is already legal in Singapore, Denmark, and a part of the United States as well. 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